Friday, May 9, 2014

Hello Kansas City

Kansas City, Mo
Spectrum Fantastic Art Live is starting today and I am back in Kansas City to recharge my creative batteries and start the summer off right.

Hopefully the worst part will have been getting here. I had flight cancellations, delays and lost luggage but as of this morning everything is resolved and I'm looking forward to whatever else may happen.

On the shuttle from the airport to downtown I struck up a conversation with Michelle Vigeant aka Stormslegacy and her boyfriend. They are attending Spectrum Live for the first time. Check out her portfolio at 

They got a table (I should have) and we chatted a bit about art and work and such. She has a biology degree and does paintings that focus on animals. They attend anime conventions usually and explained that setting up a table can be a nice way to pay for a trip, or pay for part of one if you don't sell enough.

This seems to be a big hurdle for me (monetizing the art-stuff) and it's about time that I got over it. In all honesty I would probably be happier selling stuff at shows rather than just attending. maybe I could even bring along student helpers.  This will require more thought and action on my part, it is do-able. I just need to do it.

Later, while walking down the street to get some food at the most excellent Cosentino's Market downtown I happen to look at this dude walking nearby and see that it is none other than the most excellent artist Donato Giancola! We chatted a bit before going our separate ways and I was reminded of why I came. What an absolutely nice guy. I've read articles he's written, looked at tutorials he's put online and bought an awesome painting demo he did for showing his process for the painting "The Mechanic" (DVD available through his website), and now I have the chance to talk to him in person and look at his art up close.
I remember seeing him last year and being too intimidated to really speak to him - thinking 'his stuff is just too good'. and just being in awe. So this year I chat with him while crossing the street. No big deal. ...well, it still is.