Sunday, February 24, 2013

All over the place

This month I have been doing a lot of sketching and working out separate issues with anatomy, dealing with the figure in pieces. A lot of that coincided with going over the 'parts' for my figure drawing class.
It is good stuff to review.

Now I'm turning to the gesture and trying to do more full figures in an effort to put everything (all the parts) together. Gesture and proportion are still complicated issues for me - they are a struggle. I am not inclined to pretend I have a better grasp of them  than i do or ignore how hard it can be to capture the the figure in a simplified form, so I keep at it. Last week I started re-watching some of the Glenn Vilppu    videos on gesture and basic forms of the figure and they are slowly sinking in.

Also I'm doing some long overdue inking

And as if that weren't enough, I feel like starting some new paintings too! 
I just hope I find time to do it all. 

Saturday, February 9, 2013

Sunday, February 3, 2013

Had a busy week last week and a painfully short weekend so I spent most of my free time working on art stuff.

Finished penciling the last of a 6 page story last night around midnight. I have a few corrections to make before inking it.

Today I lettered it and managed to knock out a page of hasty torso studies in my sketchbook. The middle one os from memory, the others are from reference.
Hopefully next week I'll have more time during the week to do art. Cramming it all into the weekends is a bit of a stretch.